Hi im new here im gonna post random stuff mainly music and art
and when writing i use þe letter þ instead of þe diagraph th þat most of you guys probably use but þats just some random info so you understand my, i guess weird english dialect? Anyway im gonna sign off here
I remember seeing a dude on 4chan doing that in the pokemon board. Would be cool if a completely new dialect formed that replaced digraphs with individual characters, but I imagine a lot of boomer EFLs would rage over being forced to learn a few new letters. Lmfao.
I agree þough i do believe most of þe diagraphs could stay i þink þat ph should get one and by þat i mean using f to replace ph but heres þe problem þere are certain words þat are spelt þe same as ph words but use f instead þat usually mean different þings so ph getting its own letter does make sense and i agree þat bolmers would definitley get upset over learning a new letter lol